9:30AM - Seekers Class in Fab Lab

Every Sunday through Nov.19th, Jessica Harmon will lead discussions inspired by Rob Bell’s book, What Is the Bible?:  How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything.  For a full schedule and additional resources got to: jlharmon.com/bible.

10:30AM - Prelude on the Great Organs

11:00AM - Worship Service

12:15PM - Coffee Hour on the Forecourt

12:30PM - North Korea - Beyond the Hype in Shatto Chapel

Although North Korea is in the news on a daily basis, the coverage tends to emphasize the strange or dangerous parts of the country. Yet in many ways, North Korea is more “normal” than we think, and certainly its own people view it that way. This talk, facilitated by First Church member, and expert in the field, Dr. David Kang, will address North Korea’s people, culture, and economy, in addition to the nuclear issue, and attempt to provide some insights into this country that put it in its proper context, and move beyond caricature and hype.